Dopo un breve sentiero arriveremo al cospetto del fiume, qui in mezzo alla fittissima vegetazione rigogliosa saremo attorniati da felci, alberi di fico, oleandri e lianacee e dalle alte pareti strapiombanti delle cava. Ci immergeremo in acqua per riscendere piano piano il fiume.
Ci addentreremo nei canyon a sud Palazzolo Acreide alla scoperta dell'intreccio di cave caratteristiche di questa zona. Scorci nascosti e di incredibile bellezza lungo i corsi d'acqua che hanno plasmato questi luoghi nei milioni di anni.
Cavagrande of Cassibile Famous for the "Cavagrande ponds" further east, this reserve hides many other incredibly beautiful places that we will let you discover. We will guide you along the paths of the largest and most incredible  iblean Canyon. We will see breathtaking landscapes overlooking the rocky walls of the high Cavagrande carved by the erosion of the Cassibile river over millions of years.
We crossing the impressive ruins of the ancient city of Noto, destroyed during the earthquake of 1693. This city rises on one of the Iblean plateaux and is surrounded by deep canyons. Inside of one of the canyons, that surround the ancient city, we will visit the beautiful carousel gorges, with its mills and a beautiful hanging lake. A trekking through history, archeology and nature.
Pantalica Necropolis. A breathtaking path that runs along the walls of the Iblean canyons and then descend to the bed of the calcinara stream. and then go up to the Necropolis and the Byzantine village of San Nicolicchio.
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