Lungo il cosidetto "Appennino siculo" dei monti peloritani andremo a visitare uno degli affioramenti rocciosi più belli di Sicilia. Un trekking a zig zag ricco oltre che di natura e geologia anche di storia e archeologia e che ci porterà prima sul pianoro sottostante e poi sulla cima della Rocca Novara.
A guided trek that will follow the high valley of one of the most incredible Sicilian waterways. The Alcantara River, unique in its kind. We will move between ancient oaks and old royal trees
36 km walk between 1600 and 1750 meters. Together with the friends of Sicilywalking we will face two days of pure trekking along a nearly complete ring around the volcano from the western to the northern side.
We will move through streams and wetlands in the heart of the Nebrodi park. Crossing typical shepherd villages, passing small mountain springs, we will sail along the San Basilio stream, which through the erosive action of its waters has dug the rocks.
Cavagrande of Cassibile Famous for the "Cavagrande ponds" further east, this reserve hides many other incredibly beautiful places that we will let you discover. We will guide you along the paths of the largest and most incredible  iblean Canyon. We will see breathtaking landscapes overlooking the rocky walls of the high Cavagrande carved by the erosion of the Cassibile river over millions of years.
We crossing the impressive ruins of the ancient city of Noto, destroyed during the earthquake of 1693. This city rises on one of the Iblean plateaux and is surrounded by deep canyons. Inside of one of the canyons, that surround the ancient city, we will visit the beautiful carousel gorges, with its mills and a beautiful hanging lake. A trekking through history, archeology and nature.
Showing 7-12 of 14 results